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My Own Dirty Lemon Detox

Hello, my name is Magdalena and I am a wellness junkie!  I get sold on anything detox very easily. No self control whatsoever, when it comes to that.  So I purchased the dirty lemon detox. It has lemon, charcoal, dandelion root and all that good stuff. I really loved it. Especially their cute striped bottles, which are very cool to carry around. I honestly think the bottles are the main reason I even purchased the detox LOL. So I decided to reuse them and put my own lemon concoction inside and it has gotten me into drinking it more often than ever. I added a little something for clearer skin too !!!

My Own Dirty Lemon Detox Recipe: 

1 serving

16 oz filtered water - water is everything when it comes to skincare. Drink as much as you can.

juice of 1 fresh lemon - detoxifying and has a ton of anti-oxidants to help slow aging process

1 tbs raw apple vinegar - balances pH level of your skin and body 

1 tsp honey - anti- inflammatory

1 tsp turmeric powder - kills acne bacteria, anti - inflammatory and boosts immune system

Blend and enjoy. Best on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. 

Personally, I pre- make 6 bottles and refrigerate, so I have it for the whole week. Saves me a lot of time in the morning and I am more consistent that way.